Z-Spearman’s Rho

Measures the strength and direction of the relationship between two ordinal variables. It assesses non-linear associations, making it valuable for ranked data.

When to use ✅✅✅

  • Ordinal Data: Z-Spearman’s Rho is suitable for analyzing relationships between two ordinal variables.
  • Non-Parametric Analysis: It is a non-parametric method, making it useful when data violates normality assumptions.
  • Monotonic Relationships: Helpful for assessing monotonic relationships between variables, where the direction matters but not the magnitude.
  • Robustness to Outliers: Z-Spearman’s Rho is robust to outliers and resistant to extreme values.
  • Small Sample Sizes: It can be used with small sample sizes, making it advantageous for limited data scenarios.

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Statistical tests

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